Do You Need To Update Your Intimate Care, Down There?


As an intimate hair removal specialist,

I pride my self on delivering exceptional results and I achieve this with continues education and training. I believe that knowledge is key and if you have already experienced a sugaring appointment with me at Sweet Sugaring, you know first hand that I like to educate my clients throughout their appointment.

My duty as a Sugaring Specialist lays far beyond the treatment room, keep reading to find out if your intimate care needs an update. 

Treatment goals can vary from person to person, some want to simply be hair free, I have a treatment for that. For others, it can be resolving long, painful ingrowing hairs and I have a home care plan for that.

Though we may not all share the same goals , one thing that we all have in common, is our anatomy and the care it requires. The Vulva is the anatomical term that describe the external female genitals, miss commonly referred to as the vagina, the internal genitals.

Why is this important? 

The vulva doesn’t have the mechanics to self lubricate efficiently and is unable to secrete natural oils that can lead to dryness and other intimate health issues. Intimate Lip Care have the answer, with their use of biome friendly cleansing oils that not only cleanse but replenish dryness,  prevent irritation and vaginal disorders such as thrush and uncomfortable yeast infections.

With an extensive range of intimate products to cleanse, exfoliate and eliminate Post-Inflamatory Hyperpigmentation PIH you will be spoilt for choice.

Sweet Sugaring completes each intimate sugaring service with an application of Lip Intimate Care’s Fragonia + Sea Buckthornes Cleansing & Moisturising oil, approved for use post-sugaring, leaving you smooth, hydrated and soothed. Upgrade your intimate care and look after you

You can purchase your Intimate Lip Care products directly from us during your visits or on line from our store here.


Why Body Soothe?


Understanding Body Hair